Sargon and others. Are you trying to convince us all that you are an Edomite as well? Are you really on their side? Do you love the deeds that they do? who mercylessly tortured and murdered 110 million Christians in Russia and Ukraine during the Bolschevic revolution about 80 years ago. How can any one love the massive blood shed that the Edomites have done over the many centuries on Jacobs seedline and still are today. How can they be all dead as you say when their own people write in their own books and almanacs that they are Edom-Esau of Old. 1. New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia 1904, page 41. 2. Jewish Encyclopedia.1977, page 586. 3. Jewish Encyclopedia 1923, Book 13, 5-41. And many more places. I have asked them myself and they freely admit they are mostly Edomites. New York is almost owned by them. New York was the home base where they organised the Russian blood bath. Why don't you read Obadiah, and see how God is going to deal with them. And did Hitler ever gas any Jews? Researchers have gone over the places where the Jews said the gasings took place but cannot find the evidence any where. You cannot believe the movies as the whole movie industry is owned by them as well. Holywood is their brain deption headquarters for the whole world. It shouldnt take me to tell you that. You sound as you are on their side. Do you lust after a blood bath like they do as well, and on sweet young children as well. What are you a beast?
Aryan blues
JoinedPosts by Aryan blues
An Anointeds Concubine?
by ElijahTheThird inthat one in a position of responsibility for others, could a "minister / clergy / anointed / elder" be rightious in gods eyes in having a couple concubines besides the one wife?.
Modern-day Israel's Identity
by Onetruesource ini would like to open this discussion on israel, because i have come to learn many things about it.
the bible scriptures continue to prophecy about the nation of israel.
we all know that the natural nation has been disowned by jehovah, because unfaithfulness.
Aryan blues
Israel Identity today.
The bible is clearly written for and exclusively for Israel only.
Jesus command to the deciples was:-
(1). Mathew 10:-verse 6. But rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
(2). Mathew 15:-verse 24. But He answered and said, “I was sent only (notice this means exclusively) to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
(3). Ezekiel 3:- verse 4. Then He said to me, “Son of man, go to the house of Israel and speak with My words to them. 5. “For you are not being sent to a people of unintelligible speech or difficult language, but to the house of Israel. (notice exclusively again).Later on Paul and others went to the Gentiles. Of which there is much confusion about who are the Gentiles. The Catholic church has spread the rumour that the Catholic church is Israel and all the others outside of the Catholic church are Gentiles. The root of the word Gentiles is Genus which means “your own genes”. In other words they are Israelites but outside of the kingdom.
More importantly, who are the Israelites, and where are they today?
Some people try to say they are lost forever and are not to be found anywhere.
But, do you think Jesus would send His deciples to a people that could not be found? And this was an on going commission even today.
Unfortunately there is very much confusion amongst all who call themselves Christians today.
The simplest way to look at is, to follow through from Jacob and his seedline.
God told Jacob that his name is no longer Jacob, but Israel. From there on all of Jacobs seedline were and are called Israelites. They were never Jews. This is where most people have been confused, they thought that if they are called Israelites they must be Jews. Not so.! All of Jacobs seedline are Israelites and not Jews.
How then can we trace who are Jacobs seedline. And then we can start to examine who are the Jews? Todays modern Jewry are not in Jacobs seedline. They will tell you they are from Edom-Esau. It is found in their own writings.
(a). New Standard Jewish Encyclopaedia, 1977, page 586.
(b). Jewish Encyclopaedia 1925, book 13 5-41.
(c). Jewish Encyclopaedia 1904, page 41.
(d). Encyclopaedia Biblica 2, column 1187.These are called Edomites from Edom. Edom is well south of Palestine and these (self called Jews to deceive the nations) never lived in Palestine. Later on they moved north to Kazakhstan in south west Russia and became known as Kazars. They were and still are the Israelites (Jacobs seedline) and Gods worst enemies today. These Edomites are from Esau and have an inbuilt hatred for all of Jacobs seedline today. They are the ones that own all the banks and cause all the depressions and bankruptsies. They are the ones who mercylessly tortured and murdered 110 million white Christians in Russia and Ukraine during the Bolschevic revolution as far back as 80 years ago. They were the architects of communism around the world. They were the initiators of the last two world wars and financed both sides with war machinery and laughed and laughed and rubbed their hands together and their greatest harvest is war, and to finance both sides and to see kindred peoples killing them selves off.
How can we identify the Israelites (Jacobs seedline) today
Some say Jesus was a Jew. He was from Nazareth in the state of Galilee. The true Jews have to be from the tribe of Judah and have lived in the state of Judea as their home town. Jesus came from the tribe of Judah but lived in the state of Galilee.
Having sorted out that confusion, the bible will now make much more sense to you in all the old and New Testaments.
Identifying who are Israelites (Jacobs seedline) today.
We have to go back to the Covenant that God gave to Abraham.
Genesis 17;verse 1-9.
The Articles in the Covenants are:-
1. Israel was to be a Great and Mighty Nation. Gen 53; 18.Who could this be?D
2. Israel’s name was to be “Great”.Whose name is called “Great” Great Russia? No Great America? Now, how is it that England is called :”Great Britain”?Notice the words “Great Britain” Britain means “covenant people! The tribe of Ephraim and Manasah settled in England then later went to America as the pilgrim fathers.
3. Israel was to be exceedingly fruitful. Gen.28: 14; 49:22,26 Num.23:10.
4. Israeli was to spread abroad to the West, East, North and South. Gen28: 14 27:6,
Please note that the Modern day Jewry are not in this picture at all are they?
5. Israel was to have a Davidic King. Queen Elizabeth come from the line of David. Jer33: 17, 21, 26; Exe.37:24 and other places
6. Israel to continue as a nation forever. 2 Samuel 7: 16, 24, 29. And other places
7. Israel’s new home North and West of Palestine. Isa. 49: 12, Jer 3: 18.
8. Israel to have control of the seas and be a great Navel Power of the world.
9. Israel t have a land of great mineral wealth, Duet 33:15-19
10. All the commonwealth of nations including the European migrants in Australia. Notice the commonwealth of Australia! For those that live in Australia, we even have the original coat of Arms on many of our Government buildings, the commomwealth stationary from parliament, the land titles, the coinage mint. Now isn’t that unique! The coat of arms is the lion and the unicorn, with the crown on top signifing the throne of David over us. And beneath it reads “God and my birthright”. Now isn’t that a coincidence which is not by accident!
11. Israel to have great agricultural wealth. Deut. 33: 13, 14, 28.
12. Israel to have great colonies, and become a company of nations. (commonwealth). Gen. 17: 4,6,15,16,35: 11, 48:19.
13. Israel to live in islands and coasts of the earth. Isa. 41: 1-2,Isa. 49: 13, Isa. 51: 5.
14. Israel was to have a new language. Isa. 28: 11. The bible is now in English not Hebrew.
15. Israel was to carry the gospel to all the world of where the early Israelites spread over the earth. Gen 28: 14, Isa. 43: 21. And many more.There is no other nation that can claim these facts of promise of the unconditional and everlasting covenants that God gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Most of Europeans are from the 12 tribes of Israel.
Americans pilgrim fathers were mostly known as from the tribe of Manasseh.
England, the tribe of Ephraim.
Judah, mostly Germans.
Bejamin. Iceland and Greenland.
Ascher, many of the Russians and nordic areas.
Gad, the Greeks and Romans.
Dan the Danites.
Zebulin the dutch/
Many of the smaller tribes have mixed and formed other states over Europe.
All the tribes have their own coat of arms and is significant of them being Israelites from
Abraham. Isaac, and Jacob.1
An Anointeds Concubine?
by ElijahTheThird inthat one in a position of responsibility for others, could a "minister / clergy / anointed / elder" be rightious in gods eyes in having a couple concubines besides the one wife?.
Aryan blues
Valis are you trying to convince us you are an Edomite? Why do you parrot Edomite propaganda and pub talk? for the sake of others that may read this site. This a a very typical example of how all the Edomites perform and have done throughout history. They never have anything that makes good sense. Parrotting Edomite propaganda is their line and hoping that the people that cannot think will go along the Edomite line. Have a great trip parroting.
An Anointeds Concubine?
by ElijahTheThird inthat one in a position of responsibility for others, could a "minister / clergy / anointed / elder" be rightious in gods eyes in having a couple concubines besides the one wife?.
Aryan blues
Why blame me guys, I didn't say it. Its what the bible says that counts. The bible is the only source of information that is reliable, there is no other book that is like it. Of cource the Edomites like to pull it to pieces and try and destroy it with all sorts of interpetations and fanciful theories that will appeal to many. But true investigators see through them very quickly. In fact in many places in the bible we see seemingly wrong words used but looking at the full context of the story it all makes sense. It is the Edomite propaganda we see all the time, to try to destroy the bible and Christians that want to walk in those ways. Mud throwing and using words which portray vulgarity are all common tactics used by the Edomites. The Edodomites were always the Israelites and Gods worst enemies and still are today. The worst part about it is, the churches have lost sight of it and wonder why they get so much trouble. Esau is Edom who never were Israelites. They are not even semites. They come from Japeth not Shem as they claim. Aryana
An Anointeds Concubine?
by ElijahTheThird inthat one in a position of responsibility for others, could a "minister / clergy / anointed / elder" be rightious in gods eyes in having a couple concubines besides the one wife?.
Aryan blues
Just to add to it. It was the great flood that God caused because of the Adulterating of his creation. Just a short simple illustration that all can understand. God made everything to reproduce after it kind and likness. For instance turkeys don't ever produce camels. Horses don't ever produce crocodiles. We know that David was fair and ruddy, he had a fair countenance. Which means that Adam and Eve were fair and ruddy like all Adamites, Causcasians, Anglo-Saxpons etc. Now my question is, where do the coloured races fit in. They are not Adamites. The reason why god said that if any crossed the blood lines with the beasts (chevya) they should be killed is that they are half Adamites and half beasts, chevya. Now the coloured races are in no way put down because of their race, it is because they were made for a different reason and purpose. For example, which is better or superior a cow or a horse. Neither, because they are made for a different purpose. Each has their special purpose. The bible says that everything that God made was good and they are. But God said no racemixing.
An Anointeds Concubine?
by ElijahTheThird inthat one in a position of responsibility for others, could a "minister / clergy / anointed / elder" be rightious in gods eyes in having a couple concubines besides the one wife?.
Aryan blues
Race-mixing. Let me ask you the question do all races come from Adam and Eve?
As for the darwin theories, let me ask you this question? As a scientist everyone knows that under a microscope all substances have molecules in perfect design. No one can disagree with these findings. That means where there is perfesct design, there has got to be a designer! There is no escaping these facts. Darwin was an (dis)illusionist.Race-mixing.
The bible reveals that other two legged bipeds were created before Adam on earth. Lets have a look at some Scriptures.Genesis:- Now the serpant was more subtle than all the "beasts of the field". Now the Hebrew word used here for beasts is "chevya". Now there are two other Hebrew words used for "beasts", A word for wild beast is "beir". The Hebrew word for Domestic beast is "behemah". Now what is this "chevya beast". There are some 96 scriptures which use this "chevya" beast word. The only way to research this word is to see how other scriptures relate in the hope that it might reveal more about the "beast".
Going back to the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field again. Now to be subltle the beast has to have the power of speech. Its also has to be quick witted. It has to have the ability to con, trick and deceive. It lies and decieves. It has ability to be accepted so as to be trusted.
Lets get another picture. When David faced the Giant Goliath, it was the giant who retorted to David, meaning that in a few minutes you will be food for the fowls of the air and "beast of the field" (chevya". Now this indicates that this chevya eats Adamite flesh as well. It is a cannibal.
Another scripture in Jonah 3:7-9 Lets read verse 8. But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God and yea let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in his hands. Now notice that he wears clothes, and he has hands not paws of hooves. He can be violent with his hands. The picture gets clearer. In other scriptures it says he can be hired and accepts wages for his hire. In Exodus 22: 19 "Whosoever lieth with a beast "chevya", shall be surely put to death. Animals always have sex in the standing position not lying down. They were to be put to death!
In Ecclesiastes 3: 21 Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth.
Some will say these should have been drowned in the great flood. But it says they went into the ark to tend the animals.
These were created prior to Adam. These are what is called Pr-Adamites. There were many books in the libraries till the Edomites made sure they took them all out, so you and I may never find out.
The plan of race mixing is in the Protocols of the Edomite agenda to destroy the Adamic white race. Read it.
All the talk about racism, extremism, kkk, etc is only parrotting Edomite propaganda. Aryana -
An Anointeds Concubine?
by ElijahTheThird inthat one in a position of responsibility for others, could a "minister / clergy / anointed / elder" be rightious in gods eyes in having a couple concubines besides the one wife?.
Aryan blues
Thanks for the various responses. I thought the various people that responded are interested in Biblical research. But instead you only talk pub talk, filled with Edomite prooaganda. Not one mention of any scriptures that you can back up your mud slinging. It is a pity you don't give some biblical substance to your views. We would like to think you are genuine and not an Edomite as your recipe reveals. Now what about some biblical answers to your views. Aryuana
An Anointeds Concubine?
by ElijahTheThird inthat one in a position of responsibility for others, could a "minister / clergy / anointed / elder" be rightious in gods eyes in having a couple concubines besides the one wife?.
Aryan blues
This is interesting topic. Did you realise that all the forefathers had multiple wifes and concubines? Where does God condemn multiple wives and concubines? In fact in exodus 21 verse 11 It says that if a man takes a second wife, he must not diminish the food cna clothing and conjugal duties for the first wife. Martin Luther said and it is found in the Geneva bible,1590 edition, that God was not concerned how many wives you had, but you were never allowed to throw them away.
Adultery is not having sex before marriage. Adultery is having sex and race mixing with the coloured races. It is adulterating God perfect creation and making them out of Gods perfect design. Adultery is also taking another mans wife. If you have a look at the statute laws of God, you will find it all in there. You will find that the Edomites (modern Jewry) have always spread these untrue fables. Most Christians dont even bother to check them out.